
Tellitavad koolitused

Communication and cooperation with different personality types

Did you know that right after IT-skills, the next most required competencies at the job market are teamwork and communication skills? These are universal skills that are becoming more and more necessary in our increasingly complicated world, both for communicating with subordinates and colleagues as well as with clients

Often, the main problem is that people tend to see the world only through their own eyes. At the same time, nowadays we live in a very connected world. Everyone is connected to everyone. Therefore it’s clear, that we should learn to achieve more cooperation and synergy. But how to actually see inside another person better, to understand them better? How does a client think? Why doesn’t my subordinate want to do certain tasks? What is happening in my manager’s head? Why do some people fit together better than others? How should I behave with him?

To be successful, it is necessary to understand the other side’s motivation, fears, limits, values, personality features and choose the right method of communication and approach according to this.

This training will teach you to recognize different personality types and notice your own behavioural patterns, to act according to the other person’s peculiarity and expectations. You will learn techniques that are used for attentively listening to another person and getting them on board with your ideas. We will also look at the common mistakes made when evaluating people and choosing a behavioural strategy, explore the topics of the main differences between communicating with different people, managing manipulation and influencing skills.

This training will not focus on studying the different personality types too thoroughly, but it will give as much knowledge as is needed at work and can be used smoothly in everyday work. We will also look at creating the mutual accountability (building of “we”) and the laws of teamwork in general. Understanding this will also help you understand groups of people and teams better as a whole, understand what is going on in these groups and to create the necessary feeling on “us”.

The training will give a brief overview of different personality theories and will explain more thoroughly a few interesting and practical typologies, that are easy to use in work. During the course of the training practical exercises and group tasks will be carried out. Those will help to „read“ the other side and use different behavioural patterns. This training will also definitely help to better explain and understand yourself and your reactions.

How to cooperate in a tension-free way and reduce stress? How to raise the whole team’s motivation through cooperation? How to be able to notice, encourage and acknowledge? How to do this in everyday work?

From the training you will receive:
- An overview of the typology of different personalities and the laws of the working of the brain in modern psychology - Tips for communicating with different personality types and dealing with difficult situations - Knowledge of how to make yourself understood better, establish yourself and understand the behavioural patterns of different people - Knowledge of how to help your communication partner overcome their worries and fears
- Instructions to help you avoid communication mistakes and overcome difficult situations
- The skill to use different communication and establishing techniques
- Knowledge of how to deal with your own negative emotions
- Tips for developing and practicing communication skills
- The skill to achieve a better result with less energy spent

How to cooperate in a tension-free way and reduce stress? How to raise the whole team’s motivation through cooperation? How to be able to notice, encourage and acknowledge? How to do this in everyday work?

The training is meant for members of the management, leaders of structural units and specialists, who need to influence others and divide tasks by involving people in cooperation and achieve the workers’ high interest, motivation and clear understanding of the task and taking responsibility for it. It is also meant for those who need to communicate with clients, get them on board with their ideas and make themselves better understood.

* Presentation and theory to introduce the topics and highlight the key points;
* Practical thinking challenges and both individual and small group brainstorming/discussion sessions (based on the client´s actual challenges as well as typical situations);
* Interactive discussions to share thoughts, ideas and experiences;
* Written handbook the participants can use during and after training.

Trainer Elina Siilbek
Elina Siilbek Elina Siilbek is a trainer, management consultant, and manager of ERE Koolituse OÜ. She has studied psychology at Tallinn University and organizational psychology and communication psychology at Tallinn University of Technology and has 20 years of experience of training as well as managing people. Her main area of expertise is management consulting in matters of organizational behavior, personnel selection and appraisal, analysis and influencing organizational culture, etc. She also provided training in the field of public speaking, communication skills, etc. She has given training to managers of public and private sectors and lectures to students. Her latest project was a training program for the Ministry of Justice where she taught communication skills to 250 officers. Besides working as a trainer, Elina Siilbek manages a public organization with 45 employees and raises 3 children.

Choosing a behavioural and communication strategy according to personality types.

- How to better understand the behaviour of people who are not like me? How to “read” the behaviour of different personality types?
- What to take into account in my behaviour with different personality types (clients, colleagues, family)?
- What is personality made up of and how much of it is innate, how much can be influenced?
- Why do different jobs suit different personality types?
- How to bring your message to different people? Does this require different techniques and which options should I use?

How to cope in difficult situations? Managing yourself and others.

- How to reduce the communication partner’s uncertainty and fears?
- How to calm down your own and others’ emotions (negativity, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritation)?
- How do people react to change and how to help them adapt with changes?
- How to not let yourself be manipulated with? The methods of counter-manipulation.
- How to take the role of a calm bystander and how quickly can that be done?
- What is active listening and how does it help to solve communication problems?
- How to cope with “starts” or arrogant clients?
- How to behave with opposing people?

Communication skills. Skilful listening and avoiding communication mistakes.

- Interesting facts about the perception of other people and the art of being liked.
- Conveying negative information.
- Negative feedback. How to give negative feedback so that it wouldn’t offend the recipient?
- How to give positive feedback so that it wouldn’t seem flat or overdone?
- How to achieve trust?
- What is active listening and what is it good for?
- Listening and mirroring techniques – what are they necessary for and how do they work in real life?
- How to open up the communication partner?
- How to make the methods of active listening work for you?
- Establishing behaviour. Establishing techniques.
- Acknowledging. How to do it so that it wouldn’t be embarrassing and would really serve its purpose?

Self-management. A selection of principles and techniques of the psychology of self-management.

- What does science already know? What does satisfaction with life depend on and what doesn’t it depend on?
- Self-management in critical situations – what to do to remain calm in every situation?
- What are my options in managing my condition (anger, fear etc.)?
- Coping with negative emotions.
- Getting through to others with the help of self-management. How does knowing self-management methods help us to be more successful in customer relations?

Motivation and involving people.

- How does the feeling of “us” emerge in the team and what can stop the formation of that feeling?
- What motivates different personality types?
- How to get other people on board with your ideas?
- What do people expect from their manager?

Duration of the training: The training duration is two days (2x7 academic hours)
Time schedule (both days):
9:45 - 10:00 Arriving and morning coffee
10:00 - 11:30 Training
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 - 13:15 Training
13:15 - 14:15 Lunch
14:15 - 15:45 Training
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 Conclusions

To ask the training offer please write info@erekoolitus.ee