
Tellitavad koolitused

Presentation skills

Presentation skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life -effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling as well as generally feeling comfortable speaking to a group of people. Developing the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience and speak well, are also extremely helpful competencies for self-development and social situations. Like most specialisms, this requires knowledge, preparation and practise.

In this training we will go through the process of preparing and creating presentations – starting with the ideas - and delivering presentations successfully.

Topics covered during the training

Version 1:4 hours
* Fear of public speaking. Understanding and overcoming the fear of public speaking - managing causes and effects. How to overcome your fear and transform anxiety into enthusiasm?
* Stress and presentation. Understanding and managing stress. Dealing positively with nervousness. How to radiate confidence, poise and success in every situation?
* Know your audience. What will they be expecting from you?
* Making a positive first impression.
* Making contact with the audience. How to engage and involve the audience actively? How to activate and connect with the audience with 80 participants?
* Body language. Using your eyes while presenting. Improving your tone of voice.
* Technical advices. When and why to use the microphone? What are the advantages of doing so?
* What NOT to do. Suggestions to avoid common mistakes people do in public speaking situations.
* Time management. Why is that so important and how to keep the time boundaries?

Version 2:6 hours, following topics are included to prevoius:

* The content of the speech. What to talk about and what the audience is usually interested to hear about? What do the employees want to know if you plan to speak about the changes in the organisation? How to speak about your work/department/organisation?
* Preparing and structuring the presentation. Practical presentation pointers and presentation design tips.
* Using slides and visuals. Effective use of powerful visual aids. Suggestions for using visual aids in presentations. How to bring a presentation to life?
* Handling questions and answers. Handling challenging presentation situations. What if people talk amongst themselves and are not paying attention? Or what if I don't know the answer to a question? Or if somebody asks show-off question? What shall I do?
* Tips for presentations and public speaking - helpful pointers. The 6-step process for delivering your presentation. Handling questions & answers. Handling challenging presentation situations. Confidence and control - experience, preparation and rehearsal.
* Presentation to introduce the topics and highlight the key points;
* Practical thinking challenges and both individual and small group brainstorming/discussion sessions (based on the client´s actual challenges as well as typical situations);
* Interactive discussions to share thoughts, ideas and experiences;
* Written handbook the participants can use during and after training.

Version 3: 2x6 hours, practice day included to previous topics, fparticipants can practice and rehearse their own speeches, the feedback and advices are given personally (up to 10 participants in one group)

Trainer Elina Siilbek
Elina Siilbek Elina Siilbek is a trainer, management consultant, and manager of ERE Koolituse OÜ. She has studied psychology at Tallinn University and organizational psychology and communication psychology at Tallinn University of Technology and has 20 years of experience of training as well as managing people. Her main area of expertise is management consulting in matters of organizational behavior, personnel selection and appraisal, analysis and influencing organizational culture, etc. She also provided training in the field of public speaking, communication skills, etc. She has given training to managers of public and private sectors and lectures to students. Her latest project was a training program for the Ministry of Justice where she taught communication skills to 250 officers. Besides working as a trainer, Elina Siilbek manages a public organization with 45 employees and raises 3 children.

To ask the training offer please write info@erekoolitus.ee